Universal Mind

by Bob Orsillo
Universal Mind
Bob Orsillo
Digital Art - Original Fine Art By Bob Orsillo
The image titled "Universal Mind" by Bob Orsillo is a surreal and thought-provoking piece of digital art. It features a modern Oracle Pythia, depicted in a futuristic and industrial style. The central figure, a woman, appears to be in a state of deep contemplation or mind control. Her head is adorned with intricate, high-tech apparatuses that seem to connect her to a vast network of knowledge and information.
The background is a blend of dark, moody colors, creating an atmospheric and cinematic feel. The use of light and shadow adds depth and dimension to the artwork, highlighting the expressive and existential nature of the piece. The overall composition evokes a sense of mystery and intrigue, inviting viewers to ponder the themes of technology, privacy, and the metaphysical.
The artist's use of surrealism and pop surrealism elements, combined with industrial and steampunk influences, creates a unique and captivating visual experience. The image challenges the viewer to consider the implications of thought control and the interconnectedness of the modern world.
Universal Mind ~ Mind Control or she is getting a finger on his brain. Modern Oracle Pythia - Original fine art surrealism industrial portrait by Bob Orsillo
Copyright (c)Bob Orsillo / http://orsillo.com - All Rights Reserved.
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From The Head Gallery - Original fine art and photography by Bob Orsillo.
April 27th, 2012
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Comments (57)

Sherri Of Palm Springs
Incredible work Bob, Universal mind and all the visits, you go Bob, amazining my friend Happy New Year!! Sherri fvl

Rory Sagner
Another thought provoking image for sure. Gorgeous imagery and imagination, but like Rosa, for me this has a bit of a disturbing element to it too. It seems a rather mechanistic view...with all the pipes, and the bolts or screws going into the head. The pipes have the feeling of an ancient and alien technology and the head with it's mannequin like appearance suggests that we as humans are really just a "form" that is being fueled by the fire (spirit?) and connected to universal mind in a very mechanical way. Whatever your intent, it's a fabulous image and I love that it makes me contemplate! v/f

Rosa Cobos
I have a doubt here...what is this mind being fuelled with? There is fire I know, but these pñipes, so severly organized give me a chill...a sort of impotence, as if that "Universal mind" would mean, to have our spirit being stuffed with something we cannot control...and we have just to receive. This work is perfect, and really atmospheric. It created uneasiness, and awe and is technically great. Rosa

Andrew Hewett
Lock and Load :) Ready for Input :) Wonderful Imagination You have Bob :) Well Done ! :)

Luke Moore
Awww man this is wicked awesome! Your mind is like a diamond...so many facets. Superb! Congrats on your sale(s) F/V!

Chrisann Ellis
Bob Your Creativity and the way you express in your work is truly incredible! A Big Congrats on a sale so well deserved :)