Trout swimming in a River

by Bob Orsillo
Trout swimming in a River
Bob Orsillo
Photograph - Underwater Photography
Trout swimming in a river - Original fine art underwater fish photography by Bob Orsillo.
Copyright (c)Bob Orsillo / http://orsillo.com - All Rights Reserved.
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Trout is the name for number of species of freshwater and saltwater fish belonging to the Salmoninae subfamily of the Salmonidae family. Salmon belong to some of the same genera as trout but, unlike most trout, most salmon species spend almost all their lives in salt water. Trout are classified as an oily fish.
The word trout is also used as part of the name of some non-salmonid fish such as Cynoscion nebulosus, the spotted seatrout or speckled trout.
November 3rd, 2010
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Bob Orsillo
Trout swimming in a river - Original fine art underwater fish photography by Bob Orsillo. Copyright (c)Bob Orsillo / http://orsillo.com - All Rights Reserved. Buy art online. Buy photography online Trout is the name for number of species of freshwater and saltwater fish belonging to the Salmoninae subfamily of the Salmonidae family. Salmon belong to some of the same genera as trout but, unlike most trout, most salmon species spend almost all their lives in salt water. Trout are classified as an oily fish. The word trout is also used as part of the name of some non-salmonid fish such as Cynoscion nebulosus, the spotted seatrout or speckled trout.